

Rogue Pickings Website

Using HTML & CSS, from a Photoshop Design Comp

This is an accurate reproduction of a page from a sample client site. I used a PSD to accurately create the webpage, using a variety of Photoshop tools, HTML and CSS.

Feedback App

A React Project,
Using Components, State, Hooks, Routes, and Context

This project is a fully functioning, responsive app that uses the Javascript library React. This app simulates a feedback interface often found on websites. It allows the user to create a review, and select a rating of 1 to 10. By clicking "Send", it's added to the list of comments. There's even a feature to edit or delete your review! Also, by clicking on the "?", you are routed to an About Page that shares information about the app.

To-Do List App

A jQuery, HTML, & CSS Project

This project is a completely built To-Do List App that incorporates jQuery, as well as all the HTML and CSS. It includes several interactive user features, such as adding new items, marking out items, and deleting items. Go ahead, try it out!

Unplugged Website

A Responsive Website,
Using HTML5 and CSS

This project is a sample website designed to be completely responsive with other devices. It also includes an embedded responsive map iFrame, as well as additional pages to click and navigate to.

Lights Out App

A React Project,
Using Components, State, and Events

Here is a project that uses the Javascript library React, along with the Create React App utility script, to build out a functioning app. This is a game in the genre of a logic/puzzle experience. It challenges a player to try to eliminate ALL the lighted squares, by clicking on the necessary squares across the game board. By clicking on a square, this causes all the adjacent squares to flip to then be lit or unlit. This project allowed the opportunity to practice skills, using components to create a working application.

Chee-Z-Jokes App

A React Project,
Using State, Lifecycle Method, and an API

This project is a fully functioning, responsive app that uses the Javascript library React, with the Create React App utility script. The app is a fun, interactive experience. It lets the user receive jokes and vote them up or down, which will be sorted accordingly. Other features include a button to receive more new jokes from an API, a loading icon, and emojis that change to reflect a range of emotions. The app uses local data storage so you can keep those funny (and not so funny) jokes around to enjoy.

Lolcat Clock Project

A Javascript Project

Here is a project of a working Lolcat Clock that incorporates Javascript. It features an active clock with dynamically changing images. It will update based on time of the day and is interactive, with changable events and a party button!

Jubilee Austen Project

An HTML5 & CSS Website

I created a website from the ground up, that I was able to set up, code, and launch. Using HTML5 and CSS, this incorporates well-organized code with accurate syntax that's validated.

U.S. Decision Map

A Javascript Project

This project is an interactive map, as a demonstration of Javascript using multiple concepts. By hovering over a state it will become highlighted, allowing you to track each states results and find out the winner.